New to St. Luke

Who We Are


To follow Jesus Christ and to share his love with the world.


In Christ, we cultivate curiosity and community.

Welcome to St. Luke Church! We're thrilled to have you join us. Here's what you can expect: 

Service Details

Service starts at 9:00 AM. Messages and song lyrics are displayed on the overhead projector for easy viewing. 


Services can also be streamed live or any time via YouTube.

Child Care

We provide a nursery for children under three. You can drop them off either before the service begins or anytime during the service. Pick them up after the service concludes. Kids aged 4-9 can join Sunday school, and will leave their seats partway through service and return to their families towards the end of service.  


After the service, join us for coffee and snacks, and don't hesitate to visit the info. desk if you'd like more information about our church or would appreciate a follow-up from one of our members.


At St. Luke Church, we live by our Welcome Statement, embracing everyone. ALL ARE WELCOME, and we'd love to have you visit and experience St. Luke Church for yourself. 

What to Expect

Get Involved

Become a part of our church family.


To become a member or receive more information, please contact us via email or phone.  

Join a Group

Explore various opportunities to get involved, including the choir, band, volunteer committees, events, Bible studies, the inclusion team, readings during church, ushering, greeting, and providing treats. And confirmation!

One Month Out Event Calendar

Stay up to date on the planned services and activities throughout the month.